Approaches to measuring the risk of cyberattacks in remote banking services of Russia
Purpose.Due to the use of technology in banks their risks of information security breach are rising significantly. In the context of active introduction of remote banking services (RBS) in banking business of Russia, additional study of issues of assessing the risk of cyberattacks on banking automated systems was required. Methods.The methods of financial management, probability theory, system analysis of scientific literature on fundamental and applied research, and a method of graphical interpretation of analyzed phenomena are used. The paper gives a detailed analysis of the concepts of “cyberspace” and “cybersecurity”. Remote banking is considered from the point of view of financial management. Attention is drawn to the factors of work in cyberspace that increase the levels of banking risks. The relationship of cyberattacks on bankingautomated systems and possible consequences for the bank is analyzed. Novelty.Given the wide spread of social engineering methods when committing fraudulent activities on the Internet the measures to increase the cyber literacy of population are needed. The method for assessing the risk of cyberattacks on RBS for use by risk department specialists and employees of internal control services is developed. As a result, considering innovative systems and technologies that await us in the future, the effectiveness of risk assessment for solving current challenges is increased. Results.Attempts are made to formulate the mathematical model of the probabilistic analysis of information security incidents to optimize the algorithm for responding to incidents. Calculations based on the proposed model made it possible to determine the duration of exploitation of vulnerability of RBS, when the probability of preventing an incident exceeds probability of its realization. The findings may be useful for scientific research on the risks of information security breach in RBS.
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