Испытания ИС на стойкость к воздействию ТЗЧ в диапазоне эксплуатационных температур с использованием лазерных методов
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Полный текст:
1. Chumakov A.I., Pechenkin A.A., Savchenkov D.V., Tararaksin A.S., Vasil'ev A.L., Yanenko A.V. Local laser
irradiation technique for SEE testing of ICs // Proc. 12th European Conf. on Radiation and its Effects on
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2. Egorov A.N., Chumakov A.I., Mavritsky O.B., Pechenkin A.A., Koltsov D.O., Yanenko A.V. PICO-4 single
event effects evaluation and testing facility based on wavelength tunable picosecond laser // IEEE Radiation
Effects Data Workshop, REDW 2012, Miami, FL; United States; Jul. 16-20, 2012, pp.
3. Kastensmidt F.L., Tambara L., Bobrovskiy D.V., Pechenkin A.A., Nikiforov A.Y. Laser testing methodology
for diagnosing diverse soft errors in a nanoscale SRAM-Based FPGA // IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 61, no. 6,
pp. 3130-3137, 2014.
4. Pechenkin A.A., Savchenkov D.V., Mavritskii O.B., Chumakov A.I., Bobrovskiy D.V. Evaluation of sensitivity
parameters for single event latchup effect in CMOS LSI ICs by pulsed laser backside irradiation tests // Russian
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5. Jerome Faist. Optical properties of semiconductors // Eidgenssische Technische Hochshule Zurich. 2008
6. Barton D.L., Bernhard-Höfer K., Cole Jr. E.I. FLIP-chip and 'backside' techniques. // Microelectronics
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7. Arora N.D., Hauser J.R., Roulston D.J. Electron and hole mobilities in silicon as a function of concentration and
temperature // Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, vol.29, no.2, pp.292,295, Feb 1982
8. Novikov A.A., Pechenkin A.A., Chumakov A.I., Akhmetov A.O., Mavritskii O.B. SEE Laser Testing at
Different Temperatures // 2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and
Systems (RADECS), Moscow, 2015, pp. 1-3.
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